Bulletin Board

Keep up to date, and find out what's happening with Kāpō Māori Aotearoa and our membership.

Members are welcomed to submit pieces for consideration by clicking here and choosing a contact method. You can also submit a piece by contacting our Facebook page.

RANZCO Conference update

Josh Nathan

KMA recently attended the RANZCO conference held in Auckland and were offered an opportunity to host a stand at the conference.

Indigenous Disability Awareness Month!

Delayne Tutemahurangi

This month is Indigenous Disability Awareness Month in Canada and we want to tautoko our British Columbia Aboriginal Network On Disability Society (BCANDS) whānau by recognising and supporting this...

ANNOUCEMENT: Kāpō Vaccine Communications

Delayne Tutemahurangi

National Action Plan Against Racism

Delayne Tutemahurangi

Tēnā koutou e te whānau The Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon is calling on you to contribute to the development of a national action plan against racism.

Notice - Change of Date: KMA Biennial Hui Taumata 2021

Delayne Tutemahurangi

Tēnā koutou Due to delays experienced with production of conference materials the decision was made to move our hui taumata.

Access to food or essential items

Delayne Tutemahurangi

We all need food and essential items such as medicine through COVID-19 lockdowns, so please don’t try to go without.

Kāpo Māori Aotearoa Biennial Conference 2021 Postpone Panui

Delayne Tutemahurangi

Due to unforeseen circumstances with the current COVID-19 outbreak, Te Kahui Tumuaki has confirmed that the KMA Biennial Hui Taumata (Conference) 2021 in Wellington to a later date this year.

KMA Panui - COVID-19

Delayne Tutemahurangi

Tēnā koe Over the next three weeks we will be phoning members to check how you and your whānau are doing, whether you have any questions about the lockdown and...

Aotearoa is at Alert Level 4 Lockdown

Delayne Tutemahurangi

He Panui o Te Kahui Tumuaki, Kāpō Māori Aotearoa (KMA)

Delayne Tutemahurangi

Te Kahui Tumuaki advise that the information in this panui is separate to the issues KMA raised with the RNZFB Board in May 2021 and subsequent interactions.  Te Kahui Tumuaki still await the RNZFB Board responses to the actual questions raised in their communications.