Te Kahui Tumuaki | National Executive Board

Kāpō Māori Aotearoa is governed by Te Kahui Tumuaki (National Executive Board), which is accountable to Tangata members for providing Strategic Leadership of the organisation.

Te Kahui Tumuaki members are elected at the General Meeting.

If you would like to talk with a board member, please contact 0800 770 990 or email [email protected]


Nigel NgahiwI

President ( M.N.Z.M)

Ko Pirongia rāua ko Kakepuku ngā maunga
Ko Waipa rāua ko Puniu ngā awa
Ko Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Ngāti Ngutu rātou ko Ngāti Koroki, ko Ngāti Pare-te-kawa ngā hapū
Ko Mangatoatoa rātou ko Pūrekireki, ko Marokopa, ko Te Kopua ngā marae
Ko Ripeka taku hoa rangatira
E toru ngā māua tamariki, ko Tukotahi te mātāmua, ko Kohutūroa te pōtiki, ko Leah ki wainganui
Ko Nigel Ngahiwi tāku ingoa

Nigel has been a member of Te Kahui Tumuaki since 2001. Nigel has a Bachelor of Literary Performing Arts, Diplomas in Te Reo Māori and Māori and Management and is currently studying for a Masters in Matāuranga Māori. Music, Māori performing arts, education and tinkering with electronic gadgets.

Phone: 0800 770 990

Natasha Swann

Vice President

Ko Pirongia te maunga
Ko Kawhia te moana
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngati Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Rakaunui te marae
Ko Natasha Swann toku ingoa.

Natasha joined KMA in 2015. She has since met other members from similar backgrounds and struggles but has found support and friendship along the way. Natasha is a founding members of M.T.K, (Ngā Rōpu o Manaaki Tāngata Kotahitanga), a rangatahi group who work closely with KMA to share ideas, stories and improve services. Natasha was nominated for Te Kahui Tumuaki in 2019 by her peers in M.T.K.

Phone: 0800 770 990

Raewyne Lovich

Executive Member

Ko TokaToka toku maunga
Ko Wairoa toku awa
Ko Māhuhu-ki-te-Rangi toku waka
Ko Ngā Puhi/ Ngāti Whātua toku iwi
Ko Te Kuihi toku hapu
Ko Te Houhanga a Rongo toku marae
Ko Raewyne Lovich toku ingoa

Raewyne joins Te Kahui Tumuaki with over 25 years in Governance. In her former role as Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive of the Blind Foundation and the Board, she has experience in board elections and strategic planning. She is passionate in working with blind and vision impaired kāpō members and believes she can put her experience to the benefit of Kāpō Māori Aotearoa.

Phone: 0800 770 990

Gaylene Te Rauna

Executive Member (M.N.Z.M)

I te taha o tāku papa
Ko Waiapu te awa
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi

I te taha o tāku mama
Ko Manawa-a-hiwi te awa
Ko Whakaipu te maunga
Ko Ngāti Tawhaki te hapū
Ko Tuhoe te iwi
Ko Gaylene Te Rauna tāku ingoa

Gaylene grew up in Ngaputahi, in the Urewera National Park. She worked for the NZ Childcare Association in Rotorua and transferred to Wellington in 1993. During this time Gaylene has worked for a number of organisations including NZEI Te Riu Roa, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori, Whanau Care Services (C&CDHB) as PA/EA and administrator.

Phone: 0800 770 990

Wiremu Kohere

Executive Member

Ko Hikurangi te maunga,
Ko Waiapu te awa,
Ko Horouta te waka,
Ko Ngati Porou te iwi,
Ko Ngati Hoko te hapu,
Ko Hinepare te marae.
Ko Reweti Kohere raua ko Mereana Manuel aku matua,
Ko Wiremu Kohere taku ingoa.

Wiremu joined KMA in 20114. He has since met other members from similar backgrounds and struggles but has found support and friendship along the way.Wiremu is a founding members of M.T.K, (Ngā Rōpu o Manaaki Tāngata Kotahitanga), a rangatahi group who work closely with KMA to share ideas, stories and improve services. Wiremu was nominated onto Te Kahui Tumuaki in 2021 by his M.T.K peers.

Phone: 0800 770 990